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12/9/2022, 5:46:43 AM

When we think our school life, there must have been homework. In addition, its amount must have been a lot, and many of us suffered from homework. At that time, I thought it would result in good grades. However, after the movie, "Where to Invade Next" made by Michael Moore, I come to think homework is uneffective and isn't necessary.

First, I think the advantages and disadvantages of homework. The advantages are various. In them, the most attractive point is to make children study without reduce the time of the class. It seems to be good because children do studying definitely. However, it also become disadvantage. Due to homework, children lose the time of playing and interact with other children. It give assignment a bad impression, and some children come to dislike studying.

Because there is a such disadvantage. I think it is not good to give homework to children. However, it means they lose time of studying, but I don't think it is bad. According to Finland in the movie, the children have top grades in the world though they study in school about 20 hour in weeks. I think it is possible for Japanese children, and if we give assignment, we should do in class because many time of Studying