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7/30/2022, 2:34:48 PM


Clear eyes are clean water. The more clear your eyes are, the more you can see the world as it is.However no matter how clear water is,you end up seeing the world distorted.I wonder we can't see the world without prejudice.

Clear eyes are clean water. The cleaner the eyes, the more you can see the world as it is. However, even with the cleanest water, the world appears a little distorted. Can we only see the world through colored glasses?


7/29/2022, 11:01:45 AM


How typhoon comes.,in the end,I survive. If the things I have stacked were broken,I remake it again. Prepare for next time typhoon comes,I will make it sturdy more.

No matter what storms come, we somehow survive. If what we have built up is destroyed, we will rebuild again. We'll make it sturdier for the next time a storm comes.


7/28/2022, 11:05:27 AM


Etymology of Festival is ''Enshrine'',and the purpose is to thank god.However in modern times,that have less to do with.that has become things that people enjoy with their friends or family.In short,the leading actor passed
from god to people.

The etymology of the word "festival" is "enshrine," and its purpose is to thank the gods. Today, however, such things are irrelevant, and it has become a thing to enjoy an extraordinary time with friends and family. In other words, the main role has shifted from gods to people.


7/27/2022, 10:39:32 AM


7/26/2022, 11:56:55 AM

