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10/23/2023, 9:21:16 AM

Today, everyone said that it is cold, but I don’t think it. I believe that I can wear short clothes more. Before a little bit time ago, I think that everyone said it is too hot, but it become cold as soon as it became in October. When it is summer, I can enjoy the blue color clothes, and short shirts. When it became autumn and get colder, I think that I can wear orange or warm color clothes, and long clothes. I hope that my clothes will fit me, and not ripen or eaten by bags. If it is possible, I will like to buy and wear the new clothes if my mother agree with me. She always said that I should wear the clothes more. I know what that she want to say, like for the eco and for the money. But I like to try new things, which include clothes, too. Thank you for reading this long, and English sentences. It might be boring to read, but I will try to write them more interesting.