英語 De 独り言

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10/18/2021, 3:11:25 PM


today is best day to play the sport.Because It’s sunny and cool.I practiced the golf at noon.

10/17/2021, 3:47:11 PM


I don’t have memory that I can’t forget even if I wanna for get.Maybe It is happy.I think people forget most things .

even if: 例え〜であっても
most things: 大抵の事

10/15/2021, 4:29:41 PM


I have three cats.I often play with my cats with toys.They jump to toys with a sharp look.

10/14/2021, 4:51:44 PM


People tried to build high tower aiming for the god.But the god didn’t allow.So the god changed their language differently.Then People quarreled and the tower broke. This is the story of the Tower of Babel

aiming for:~を目指す   quarrel:喧嘩をする

10/13/2021, 5:15:07 PM


I think it’s important that think like a child in some cases.Adults are conservative and can’t think freely. So I will never forget child’s heart
