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I love only you.

I cannot lie to you.

I don't want to make you sad by lying to you.

I have secrets that I have not told you.

Most of my secrets are sad and hurt you in no small way. That is why I do not want to tell you.
But there will come a time when I will tell you. When that time comes, I want you to listen to me seriously.

Afterwards, let's go for a cup of tea. I know a good coffee shop.

I want to talk about many things. From bedtime stories to deep thinking.
You are kind and receptive, so I am sure you will smile and listen to me. And you will give me your own opinion. I love you like that. I'm very grateful and happy when you tell me because I don't know unless you tell me.

You have a really kind nature, you always help me and care about me and I always appreciate that. Sometimes I do things that upset you or worry you, but please forgive me. I don't have much time and there are so many things I want to do, even if it means losing sleep. I want to be useful to you, but most of all I want to do what I do, so it's like a preparation for that. I'm spending a lot of time preparing for that, but even after I've done it, it's so hard, I don't have time to think about myself. It's funny that I tell you to take care of yourself, but I don't take care of myself. But I want you to give up and accept that it can't be helped.

3/4/2024, 12:59:45 PM