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One Two Three

You are falling down from sky
You are falling down with beautiful shape

It’s only a moment wonder less than two seconds
Don’t miss out

I will catch you as possible as gently by my hands
Because, you are like a water drop which couldn’t escape from gravity

My angel has not come from heaven
My angel has come from deep blue

You take big breaths after breaking water’s surface

Streaming down your long hair
Streaming down your neck
Streaming down your cheek
Shining on your eyelashes

Every waterdrops is just only a factor that making up you

One heart has falling down towards you smiling by narrowing your big eyes and tucking up dripping hair

My heart has falling down towards ripples made by drop of dew you dropped

Nobody can take and save a drop that most beautiful in the world
Except for me


4/22/2023, 9:09:23 AM